
Configuring folders to organise trees in Konstrukt, the back office UI builder for Umbraco.

A folder can appear in either a tree or as a sub folder to other folders. Folders can contain either other (sub)folders or collections.

Defining a folder

You define a folder by calling one of the AddFolder methods on a given Tree or parent Folder config builder instance.

AddFolder(string name, Lambda folderConfig = null) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Adds a folder to the current tree with the given name and a default folder icon.

// Example
treeConfig.AddFolder("Settings", folderConfig => {

AddFolder(string name, string icon, Lambda folderConfig = null) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Adds a folder to the current tree with the given name + icon.

// Example
treeConfig.AddFolder("Settings", "icon-settings", folderConfig => {

Changing a folder alias

SetAlias(string alias) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Sets the alias of the folder.

Optional: When creating a new folder, an alias is automatically generated from the supplied name for you, however you can use the SetAlias method to override this should you need a specific alias.

// Example

Changing a folder icon color

SetIconColor(string color) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Sets the folder icon color to the given color. Possible options are black, green, yellow, orange, blue or red.

// Example

Adding a sub folder to a folder

AddFolder(string name, Lambda folderConfig = null) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Adds a sub folder to the current folder with the given name and a default folder icon.

// Example
folderConfig.AddFolder("Categories", subFolderConfig => {

AddFolder(string name, string icon, Lambda folderConfig = null) : KonstruktFolderConfigBuilder

Adds a sub folder to the current folder with the given name + icon.

// Example
folderConfig.AddFolder("Categories", "icon-tags", subFolderConfig => {

Adding a collection to a folder

AddCollection<TEntityType>(Lambda idFieldExpression, string nameSingular, string namePlural, string description, Lambda collectionConfig = null) : KonstruktCollectionConfigBuilder<TEntityType>

Adds a collection to the current folder with the given names and description and default icons. An ID property accessor expression is required so that Konstrukt knows which property is the ID property. See the Collections documentation for more info.

// Example
folderConfig.AddCollection<Person>(p => p.Id, "Person", "People", "A collection of people", collectionConfig => {

AddCollection<TEntityType>(Lambda idFieldExpression, string nameSingular, string namePlural, string description, string iconSingular, string iconPlural, Lambda collectionConfig = null) : KonstruktCollectionConfigBuilder<TEntityType>

Adds a collection to the current folder with the given names, description and icons. An ID property accessor expression is required so that Konstrukt knows which property is the ID property. See the Collections documentation for more info.

// Example
folderConfig.AddCollection<Person>(p => p.Id, "Person", "People", "A collection of people", "icon-umb-users", "icon-umb-users", collectionConfig => {

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