Child Collection Groups

Configuring child collection groups in Konstrukt, the back office UI builder for Umbraco.

A child collection group is a container for other child collections. It's purpose is mainly to provide a logical grouping of multiple child collections to help with organisation and an improved user experience.

Defining a child collection group

You define a child collection group by calling one of the AddChildCollectionGroup methods on a given collection config builder instance.

AddChildCollectionGroup(string name, Lambda childCollectionGroupConfig = null) : KonstruktChildCollectionGroupConfigBuilder

Adds a child collection group to the current collection with the given name and default icon.

// Example
collectionConfig.AddChildCollectionGroup("Family", childCollectionGroupConfig => {

AddChildCollectionGroup(string name, string icon, Lambda childCollectionGroupConfig = null) : KonstruktChildCollectionGroupConfigBuilder

Adds a child collection group to the current collection with the given name and icon.

// Example
collectionConfig.AddChildCollectionGroup("Family", "icon-users", childCollectionGroupConfig => {

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