
Configuring Konstrukt, the back office UI builder for Umbraco.

Konstrukt can be configured in two ways, either directly via the AddKonstrukt extension method on IUmbracoBuilder, or via an IKonstruktConfigurator component registered with the DI container.


To configure Konstrukt via the AddKonstrukt extension method, you extend the ConfigureServices method found in the Startup.cs file in the root of your web project. From within this method, before the call to AddComposers() we can add our AddKonstrukt configuration.

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddUmbraco(_env, _config)
            .AddKonstrukt(cfg => {
                // Apply your configuration here

The AddKonstrukt extension method accepts a single parameter, a delegate function with a Konstrukt configuration builder argument on which you can call the relevant fluent API's to define your solution.


To configure Konstrukt vis a IKonstruktConfigurator you can create a class anywhere in your project that inherits from the IKonstruktConfigurator interface and Konstrukt will automatically find them and register their configurations with the DI container.

public class MyKonstruktConfigurator : IKonstruktConfigurator
    public void Configure(KonstruktConfigBuilder builder)
        // Apply your configuration here

The IKonstruktConfigurator has a single Configure method with a single Konstrukt configuration builder argument on which you can call the relevant fluent API's to define your solution.

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